Online Activities and Resources for Students
Resources for Spanish Literacy Teachers
- Some books I recommend. (in Spanish)
Resources for ESL Teachers
- Some book recommendations. If you're familiar with the True Stories series, there's nothing new for you here.
- Song Lyric Worksheets — Mostly cloze, a few jumbles. Mostly 50s through 70s pop and rock.
- Mouse Introduction and a Mouse Practice Exercise — Here you’ll find a couple of guidelines with translations in Spanish and Chinese and just about the simplest possible mouse-practice exercise. There is just one thing on the screen at a time, and the user clicks on it. Most computer novices can start right off with the ESL Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises (linked to above), but for those who have difficulty there, this is a good place to start.
- ESL Literacy Smorgasbord — Various activities for ESL literacy classes. (Presentation summary.)
- Sporty Stuff to Talk About — Sport-like activities for ESL classes. (Presentation summary.)
- Present, Practice, Sleep, Produce — A summary of research regarding the role of sleep in memory and learning along with speculation regarding how this research might be applied to language teaching and learning. (Presentation summary.)
Finding and Playing Podcasts for Second-Language Listening Practice — This is from 2008. It’s largely out of date at this point. And man is it ugly. (Presentation summary.)
- Short Answers of an Underappreciated Sort — Wherein I encourage more emphasis on short answers of this sort: “Who wants gum?” “I do.” (Presentation summary.)
- Standardizing Our Blackboard Symbols — It couldn’t hurt. (Presentation summary.)